G.A.’s Top $500 Sales tips

If you’ve read Silver Bullet Selling, you know $500 Sales Tips are sprinkled generously throughout. I wanted to share some of the best ones with you here. As you read through this short list, think of the time-tested axioms that have guided you through your selling career and share them with me in this post.

Define Success, For a Succesful Meeting

Defining what success looks like is one of the most important fundamentals of running effective meetings. We need to understand before the meeting what we are trying to accomplish and then set the agenda with items that will help us efficiently accomplish it.  And don’t get too ambitious here.  Each meeting should try to accomplish…

New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Bring Big Bonuses, But a Winning Game Plan Does (Part 2 of 3)

We hope your New Year is off to a great start.  In the previous edition of Bullet Points, we left you talking about how your job in January is to create your goals for 2009 and then figure out your game plan – the activities, tasks and behaviors you have to execute to make these goals a reality.  With this in mind we offer you the Silver Bullet Selling Vision-to-Reality process, a proven process for making your vision a reality.  If you recall from the previous Bullet Points issue, the process has six steps: