Pre-Call Planning Means Research

For some of us, pre-call planning means research.  We may have to research articles, review websites, or simply get on the phone and start doing detective networking.  Different Sales Professionals do it in different ways, including: Reading various company communications like annual reports, 10-K reports, letters to shareholders, and press releases Searching the internet for…

How Those Six Steps Changed My Life

BEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP. I open one eye. The green numbers of my clock radio shout 3:00 a.m. “This sucks!” I think as I struggle to free one arm from the warmth of the covers and slap the snooze button. “Seven more minutes of blissful sleep, and then I’ll get up.” BEEEEP, BEEEEP, BEEEEEP, BEEEEEEP.…

The Silver Bullet Referral Process

“In every client file there are a dozens of referral phone calls to be made.” — G.A. Bartick According to BNET, the popular online resource for business executives, a referral is 15 times more likely to do business with you than a cold prospect. With odds like that it’s no wonder top-performing Sales Professionals commit…

The Silver Bullet Discover Summary Process

After you’ve asked your discovery questions and have uncovered a lot of information, you want to do something that will create some positive buying momentum before offering your tailored solution.  And I have just the right thing.  It’s called the Discovery Summary. The Discovery Summary is all that; it really is.  Our research shows that…

Why We Wrote This Book

We believe this is the book sales people have been waiting for . . . Silver Bullet Selling is the definitive book that enables sales people to execute the unique Silver Bullet consultative sales process on every sales call.  After 11 years of teaching the Silver Bullet process to more than 250,000 sales people around…