Ambitious goals in life or in business aren’t achieved by accident; they’re achieved on purpose because someone has taken the time and effort to figure out the activities, tasks and behaviors that have to be executed to get it done.
Effective game plans and effective execution are two of the fundamentals that set top performers apart from the rest. That’s what was missing in my early January goal-setting sessions. I knew what I wanted to accomplish, but I had no idea what activities, tasks and behaviors I had to execute to accomplish it.
As a Sales Professional the amount of success you have depends solely on your ability to create and execute an effective game plan. Most people have a lot of difficulty navigating the muddy waters between setting goals and executing on those goals. The top producers in any industry have a game plan to turn their goals into activities and then execute those activities to create results. This is why top producers blow the doors off their numbers and they do it year after year!
The Vision-To-Reality Process: A Navigation System To Success
If you were planning to drive cross country, what are the three most important things you would pack to take with you? Music to pass the time…probably. Cell phone to stay connected to the outside world (your buyers)….certainly. A GPS system to help you find your way across the deserts and mountains…definitely.
Think of a game plan as your navigation system to success. It will keep you on course so you can accomplish your goals and eventually realize your vision. A game plan is standard equipment to Sales Professionals who want to succeed.
Your job right now is to create your goals for 2009 and then figure out your game plan – the activities, tasks and behaviors you have to execute to make these goals a reality. With this in mind we offer you a proven six-step process for making your vision a reality:
- Create your vision
- Create goals that will realize your vision
- Create your game plan including the activities/tasks/behaviors that will accomplish your goals.
- Develop a score card to track your activities and goals.
- Execute mid-game adjustments
- Plan the celebration for when you exceed your year-end goals (this includes how you’re going to spend your bonus money!).