Silver Bullet Selling is based on over 36,000 pages of notes from interviews, interactions and observations of more than 6,000 top-performing Sales Professionals and Managers. We also have thousands of pages of notes from interviews and observations of what some really poor Sales Professionals do too. That’s a lot of research.
Think of 11 filing cabinets stuffed full with dog-eared, tattered notes from Sales Professionals from dozens of industries including consumer durables, insurance, retail, banking, utilities, financial services, real estate and telecommunications. This research is the gold I mine to develop my ideas and opinions. In fact, these 36,000 pages are the evidence we used to build the Bullet Selling process.
The Bullet Selling process is consultative selling at its best. It refers to an interactive sales process that focuses on the buyer’s needs rather than the salesperson’s inventory. Bullet Selling requires you to work with the buyer toward a mutually beneficial solution, and it includes these six steps:
- Step 1. Pre-Call Planning
- Step 2. Building Rapport
- Step 3. Discovery
- Step 4: Tailored Solution
- Step 5: Addressing Concerns
- Step 6: Closing the Sale
The Bullet Selling process is not meant to be an inflexible process that standardizes every buyer interaction; it is intended to be used as a framework that provides a structure for every interaction. Each step of the Bullet Selling process builds on the previous step and is designed to help you build the relationship and close the sale.
The Bullet Selling process helps us succeed on purpose. This stuff really works. That’s why we’ve trained 10 of the Fortune 50 companies to use it every day. The process helps build the foundation for a solid relationship in a systematic and predictable way. We call it the Silver Bullet Selling process because it is the closest thing we know to a no-fail sales system. We know it works — we use it ourselves — and that’s why we guarantee it with all our consulting clients.
Reader Feedback
“Everybody is looking for the silver bullet. Ever since The Lone Ranger introduced it back in the ‘40s, it differentiated him from all the other cowboys. It’s the same in sales. The Bartick’s book contains their silver bullet and hundreds of other salespeople’s ideas of what they consider to be their silver bullet. This book will give you the top sales ideas of top salespeople. Buy Silver Bullet Selling and convert it to gold.”
– Jeffrey Gitomer, author of The Little Red Book of Selling
Read the entire book in two days and I have to say it is freaking awesome! What’s great is the way you break the process down in “understandable” terms and terms people can actually walk away with and put a plan of action to execute. I’ve read so many books where you’re left to feel as if you learned something but you are totally clueless as to how to implement a methodology and actually get started. Well done GA and Paul!! – Kevin Schermerhorn
“Learn how to sell more, better, faster, and easier in any market! This book will supercharge your selling results.” ~ Brian Tracy, author of The Psychology of Selling
“The Silver Bullet Selling process will create adversity for your competitors and very positive results for your bottom line.” ~ Dallas Haun , President and CEO, Nevada State Bank
“The Barticks deliver a clear and powerful six-step process that guarantees success. Read it, study it, refer back to it, and your sales results will soar.” ~ Tom Karinshak , Managing Director, Barclaycard US
“Our company rolled out the Silver Bullet six-step sales process in 2006. Since that time, we have seen our sales productivity and customer retention rates soar. And most importantly, so has our top line. Silver Bullet Selling provides a deep dive into building trusting relationships with your customers and selling to their needs in an effective and consistent way.” ~ Russell Dash , RSVP Sales—West Region, Rewards Network
“We’ve worked the Barticks’ six-step process for several years, and our sales have never been better. We’re bringing in more new clients and generating more business from current clients.” ~ Andy Holden, President and COO, CPS Insurance Services
“Talk about a direct hit! Silver Bullet Selling delivers what most how-to sales books don’t—a sales process that works and a wealth of real-life examples from all kinds of sales environments. The exercises in the book also help you do a little target practice of your own. If you want to improve your sales, read this book!” ~ Jones Loflin, coauthor of Juggling Elephants
“There are many great business books that everyone reads, everyone talks about, and no one implements. That’s because these books don’t tell you how to execute. As a client of the Barticks, I know they have mastered the art of sales execution. Anyone who follows the six steps in this book will see an immediate improvement in their sales performance.” ~ Tom Green, Managing Partner, Mentorprise, LLC